Do you want to Stop Smoking, want to Break the Habit?
Do you want to enjoy the benefits of being a Non Smoker?
You already tried to Quit Smoking and failed. Tried other methods and failed?
Hypnotherapy has already helped thousands to Stop Smoking and enjoy the rewards of a Healthier, Wealthier, Happier life!
Do you want to feel good about becoming a Non Smoker?
Do you want to feel the benefits of being a Non Smoker?
Do you want to feel happy making the right decision?
Surveys have shown that the majority of smokers (around 70 per cent) want to Stop Smoking.
Hypnotherapy | Hypnosis has been recognised as one of the most effective ways to Quit Smoking.
Stop Smoking and your body will begin to repair the damage done almost immediately.
Time since Quit Smoking beneficial health changes that take place
• 20 minutes Blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.
• 8 hours Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels reduced by half, oxygen levels return to normal.
• 24 hours Carbon monoxide is eliminated. Lungs start to clear mucus and other smoking debris.
• 48 hours There is no nicotine left in the body. Ability to taste and smell is greatly improved.
• 72 hours Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.
• 2 - 12 weeks Circulation improves.
• 3 - 9 months Coughs, wheezing, breathing problems improve as lung function is increased by up to 10%.
• 1 year Risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.
• 10 years Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker.
• 15 years Risk of heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked.
Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals nicotine, tar, benzene, carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde, hydrogencyanide.
Mixed with various flavourings and additives, Including
Moisturisers to prolong shelf life of cigarettes.
Sugars to make the smoke seem milder and easier to inhale.
Some toxic in combination with other substances.
The USA has classified environmental tobacco smoke the same as asbestos, arsenic, benzene and radon gas.
In its condensate form, tar is the sticky brown substance, which can stain smokers' fingers and teeth.
There is no evidence that switching to lower tar cigarettes reduces coronary heart disease risk.
Smoking affects the brain within 10 seconds of inhaling tobacco smoke, causes the brain to release substances including dopamine which is associated with pleasurable feelings, and smokers quickly develop regular smoking patterns.
As the nicotine content in their blood drops below a certain level, you begin to crave for a cigarette.
This craving makes the smoker feel stressed until the craving is relieved.
The relief from the craving is the feeling that smokers commonly mistake as relaxation.
Eventually smokers need increasing levels of nicotine to feel normal.
Affects include increasing the heart rate and blood pressure.
Meanwhile, carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke exerts a negative effect on the heart by reducing the blood's ability to carry oxygen leading to the heart needing more oxygen.
Smokers often stop to relax and report that smoking helps to relieve feelings of anxiety and stress.
However, smokers exhibit higher levels of stress in their lives than Non Smokers.
The high smoking prevalence among people facing social and economic deprivation suggests that smoking may be used as a stress coping mechanism.
However the stress reducing property of nicotine seem more illusory than real and in fact smoking increases stress, anxiety and decreases the thinking process.
Smoking also raises the levels of fibrinogen (a protein which causes blood to clot) and increases platelet production (also involved in the formation of blood clots) which makes the blood stickier Carbon monoxide attaches itself to haemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying pigment in red blood cells) much more easily than oxygen does.
This reduces the amount of oxygen available to the tissues
The chances of conceiving, fall by 10% – 40%. An investigation involving 11,000 smoking women in Denmark revealed that women smoking were more likely to wait longer than 12 months to conceive.
A British study found that smoking reduces the quality of semen.
Men who smoke have a lower sperm count and their semen contains a higher proportion of malformed sperm.
Studies found that babies born to women who smoke are on average 200 grams (8 ozs) lighter.
One possible cause is that cigarettes can impede the flow of blood in the placenta, which in turn restricts the amount of nutrients that reach the foetus.
Also low birth weight is associated with higher risks of death and disease in infancy and early childhood.
Therefore, if woman stop smoking within the first three months of pregnancy, the risk of having a low weight baby will be similar to that of a non smoker.
A recent British prospective study of 7,735 men aged 40-59 years found that cigarette smoking was associated with a significant increase in risk of diabetes.
Research has shown smoking has a two to threefold higher risk of developing psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, extremely uncomfortable and disfiguring.
Because smoking restricts blood vessels, it reduces the amount of blood flowing to the skin, thus depleting the skin of oxygen and essential nutrients.
Research suggests that smoking may reduce the body's store of Vitamin A, which provides protection against some skin-damaging agents.
Research has also shown that the skin ageing effects of smoking may be due to increased production of an enzyme that breaks down collagen in the skin.
Collagen is the main structural protein of the skin, which maintains skin elasticity.
Smokers in their 40s often have as many facial wrinkles as non-smokers in their 60s.
Another likely explanation is that squinting in response to the irritating nature of the smoke, and the puckering of the mouth when drawing on a cigarette, can cause wrinkling around the eyes and mouth. In addition to facial wrinkling, smokers' may develop hollow cheeks through repeated sucking on cigarettes
Smoking also results in a yellowing of the teeth and is a cause of halitosis (bad breath).
Some of the immediate effects include eye irritation, headache, cough, sore throat, dizziness and nausea.
Adults with asthma can experience a significant decline in lung function when exposed, while new cases of asthma may be induced in children whose parents smoke.
A major review by the Government-appointed Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health concluded that passive smoking is a cause of lung cancer and heart disease in adult non smokers, and a cause of respiratory disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, cot death, middle ear disease and asthmatic attacks in children.
A US study also found deficits in reading and reasoning skills among children even at low levels of smoke exposure, also that babies exposed to their smoking mother's tobacco smoke before they are born grow up with reduced lung function
Research by the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York has shown that the cost to the NHS of treating diseases caused by smoking is approximately £1.5 billion a year.
Other costs include the payment of sickness or invalidity benefits to those suffering from diseases caused by smoking and the payment of pensions and other family social security benefits to the dependants of those who die as a result of their smoking.
The Treasury earned £8,055 million in revenue from tobacco duties for the financial year 2002-2003 .
The price of a pack of 20 premium brand cigarettes is approx 80% tax.